Friday, August 24, 2007

Week Two Thought Question


To get the ball rolling for next week, I want us to consider some important questions currently confronting the world of writing. First of all, do you think universities should teach composition or writing? Many universities (including DMACC) teach website design, brochures, PowerPoint, and other visual media under the guise that "composition" can take many forms. However, there are people who feel this leads to a form of illiteracy since the focus is not on writing. Therefore, the assumption is that spelling, grammar and mechanics, and students' vocabularies suffer as a result.

What do you think universities and colleges should be teaching students--composition or writing?

Here is another question to consider: With the rise of text-messaging, instant-messaging, and forums such as Facebook that tend to encourage abbreviated language, what do you think the result will be for our written communication in the future? Do you think that people will care about spelling and grammar (commas, semi-colons, all that stuff you ignore when messaging in any form :) in five to ten years? Why or why not?

I'm looking forward to your replies!


Please use this space to introduce yourselves to one another. Remember to use proper capitalization, grammar and mechanics, and spelling. Please be respectful and appropriate. Any posts deemed inappropriate will be deleted.
