Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Sicko Part II

Thank you very much for your previous posts! It seems that many of us do agree that our health system needs some type of change.

For this post, please analyze Michael Moore's argument. How does he use ethos, pathos, and logos? Does he use any fallacies of argument? Which ones?

Do you think his argument might've been more effective? How so? If you feel it was already effective, explain why.

Lastly, what do you learn about argument from watching this film?

Good work!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Sicko Part I

This week we will be watching the movie Sicko by Michael Moore. The movie discusses the health care systems in the United States, Canada, England, France, and Cuba.

What do you know about the health care system in the U.S.? What stories do you know personally or have you heard that relate to the health care system?

Use this space to share those stories. Also, how would you propose we "fix" the system here in the U.S.? Or, do you even think it needs "fixed"? Either way, explain your answer.

A couple more weeks to go!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Week Twelve Thought Question

Everyone made good comments about plagiarism--why it is important to avoid it, how to avoid it, and what types of penalties happen to those who plagiarize. Good work overall!

For our blog, please use this space to respond to "All's Not Well in the Land of the Lion King," "Football is a Sucker's Game," or our two articles about running at recess and the "dangers" of tag. Please keep your responses appropriate and focused on ideas. Be respectful and put into practice the techniques we discussed in our PowerPoint regarding the construction of arguments. Review the fallacies of argument. Review ethos, pathos, and logos.


Monday, November 5, 2007

Week Eleven Thought Question

Most people seem to go to the Internet for their sources. Be careful when using Internet sources. You have to be very certain to evaluate them for their credibility.

In this space, please discuss why you think plagiarism is such a problem these days? Why wasn't it as prevalent a few years ago? How can you avoid plagiarism? Why it is so important to avoid plagiarism? Please discuss why you would personally never try to use other people's ideas as your own.

Thanks! I'm looking forward to reading your replies! I'm also anxious to begin working on these final argument papers!