Monday, October 29, 2007

Week Ten Thought Question

This week we will begin discussing our last and final paper--yes, the eight page argument paper. One of the most important things we will be focusing on involves research. We will discuss where to look, what to look for, and how to avoid plagiarism. Learning how to avoid plagiarism will be absolutely essential.

Considering that you will be using outside sources for this assignment, where are some places where you might be able to find sources? What are some ways to evaluate sources for credibility? Give an example of a credible source and give an example of a source that is not credible. Be specific. Do not duplicate other people's answers. Explain how you know the sources are credible or not.



Amanda said...

First off the main source that the whole world uses today is the internet, so that would be the main source to find your information. But you have to make sure the websites that you are using are accurate. See who they are written by is an easy way to help in knowing whether or not they are true facts. Like if you were doing research on a medical issue you could go to like a very resourceful website, such as Web MD or something like that that you know is information that is given out by doctors.

Shannon said...

There are many sources that students use these days, a big one is the World Wide Web. A lot of the sources out there may be false or made up. I mean honestly, anyone such as (myself) could get on and create a web page that look legitimate but it could be all made up and pulled from many different un-creditable sources also. Wikipedia is a source that comes up on nearly every Google, Yahoo, or MSN search that a person makes. Many people question the creditability of this online encyclopedia. A good source for a research paper source could be: an encyclopedia, textbook, or a website (if you look into the source and make sure it is creditable). Other websites that can be creditable sources could be government, medical, and university web pages.

Anonymous said...

Obviously the first place people will look is the internet; it’s the quickest and best way to find sources. But when using the internet you can find sources that are not credible, you need to figure out who runs the website before you can decide its credibility. A website that ends in .gov is usually considered a credible source; certain things in magazines are also credible. A site that is ran by just random person or a suspicious organization will most likely not be credible.

Tyler W

Anonymous said...

Obviously the internet is used by almost everyone. Another good source is the library. It is getting much easier to find your way around a library, using computers to help search for topics in books. Books are a lot more credible than some of the information that you can find on the internet, and sometimes information on the internet is hard to know if it is some truth or none at all.

Chris Gaskill

Anonymous said...

Some places where you may find credible sources are books, some internet sites, and television documentaries. Some ways to evaluate whether sources are reliable or not are to see where it is coming from. Wikipedia sources may not be reliable, but most probably are. Books, and documentaries are usually quite reliable for information. There is no true way to really know if a source is reliable or not, we can assume reliablity from educational institutions and websites though.

Charlie Krabbe

Anonymous said...

When doing research papers the first place to look for information is of course the internet. Though in some classes they request using more than one source such as books or magazines. When looking for information in order for it to be credible it needs to have an author. A source that is not credible would be information with no name, date that it was written or even site of where this source was found.

Brittany Hagge

drvannorsdel said...

Well, of course one of the most common sources this day in age is the internet. You can also use books, magazines, and articles. You can check a website’s credibility by the address; if it is a .com or a .gov for example. You can also look closely at the website and see who published it and who supports it to check its credibility. With websites you can trust .gov websites to be credible. I believe .com websites are not as credible unless you check who is publishing it.

Anonymous said...

Most of us have used the internet to help us gather information about a paper. But what is credible information? Usually a .gov or .org site is credible. Another one that is usually pretty credible is a .edu site. You can't always trust a .com site. Anyone can make one up and put anything they want to on it and call it credible. The .gov's and such usually have their sources cited somewhere on the page. Usually they are doctors and books. Sometimes it's hard to detect the non credible websites sometimes, but a lot of the time you can tell that something just isn't right. The best bet would be to interview someone on the topic or look it up in a book.
-Alyssa .S.

Anonymous said...

Well one popular place with pretty accurate information would be It has a few errors from time to time but for the most part it is accurate. If you wish to go with actual books then most encyclopedias cover a vast area of subjects and are credible as far as I know.
One area I wouldn't trust would be what individuals post on the web. Blogs, web forums, or individuals’ web pages with there very bias point of views. As well as magazines for the most part; they may contain a large amount of factual information but they just don’t hold the credibility one usually wants in a paper.

Tadd Kingsbury

Unknown said...

If a person is looking for sources they should check out library databases. DMACC provides this service for free online and I use it all the time. If you’re unsure about the credibility of a source that is online then you should look for an “About the Company/Author” button on the page. You should look for a contact page and find out as much information about the company/author as possible.

The DMACC database is a credible source that most teachers will accept. Something that you don’t want to use as a source is a personal homepage that someone created or as most of these people have all ready stated Wikipedia is not a credible source.

Dawn T said...

Information can be found for research papers on the Internet. You must be careful to check and make sure you have a credible source. This can be done by using credible cites and checking this credibility. Also you could use the library and use books. Online cites such as Ebscohost are good sources. Some magazines are good sources, however you should stick to specific topic magazines such as medical magazines.

Anonymous said...

some critable sources might include textbooks, Encyclopedia, few online cites and few magazines and if it calls for events newspapers can be used. for can check your sources by researching the same topic on different resourse. some sources that might not be critable sources would be some newspapers like the ones found at your logical grocery store. such as weekly world news or cosmo. -greg call

zstwedt said...

The main source I use when doing research is the internet. This usually involves a number of different websites some credible, and others fake. The way I usually figure out if a site credible is by looking over information that has been peer reviewed. When searching for websites you can often filter your search to only show you sites that have really been peer reviewed. This information has often been read over, edited, and put to truth by a person knowledgeable on the topic

Anonymous said...

Well there are a lot of creditable sources. Most cases people use the internet. Places like Wikipidea is a horrible source to use since anyone and everyone can write on the page. Web sites that end with .gov are very creditable because the government controls them. Other creditable sources that work well are the Ebscohost and databases that have been looked through by creditable people to make sure the information is correct.

Joel Kramer

Anonymous said...

The world is full of information that is both valid and non-valid, but shown in the same medium. The best way to ensure that a source is kosher is to look for other credible articles written by the same website or publishing company. Also it would be a good a idea to look up the same topic from multiple search engines or authors and decipher if the information is fair and balenced, or biased towards an idea.

Mike Ross

Anonymous said...

One seldom-considered source of information is the encyclopedia. Most people (myself included), do not regularly use it, but it can be very helpful. However, not all encyclopedias were created equal. If I needed to look up any recent information, I would go to the DMACC library and look in the latest edition of World Book Encyclopedia or some other reliable set. I would not look in the encyclopedia set I have at home because they are at least forty years old; the information in them might not be accurate anymore. I would recommend checking all your sources for publishing dates, whether you are using the internet or checking out a book. If the source is too old, the information in it might very well be outdated.
-Adrian Elliott

mldela said...

The internet is the best and easy way to get a lot of sources and information that we need, they are also the books from the library or TV communications etc. In this days most of every body are using the internet just to find many sources to help us out to describe the meannig of certain things that we could't find in other views. the Internet is more acceptable for every one, is faster, more accurate, it's more credible in some ways, depend what web-side you are getting into and what type of source you are looking for.

Anonymous said...

The most popular source for information is obviously the internet, but the information may not be acccurate. The most reliable way for me to get information is the library. With using the internet, you may want to check out the source of the information. You can also compare a few different cites and information to the book information to check out what may be more accurate.


Anonymous said...

Some sources to be used when researching a paper could be the obvious one, the internet. When using the internet though one needs to be careful as anything can be posted on the internet without having the appropriate credibility. Another source of information is to talk to someone who maybe specializes in that area. For example if you are doing a research paper on early childhood education, talking to an elementary teacher or a professor who teaches early education programs would be a good source. They would have the credibility because they would have the knowledge and background of that area. Another obvious source would be the library. When looking to see if a source has the credibility you need to look out for opinions, also who wrote the or where the source came from and what their credibility is.
Andrea Bollenbaugh

Anonymous said...

caleb avery
I would say the two best places to start looking for information would either be the library or the internet. One way to weed out the junk on the internet would be to compare it to other sources. If that is the only place you find it, then it might be false. One credible source would be the online encyclopida, and one non credable soure would be a news paper article.

Anonymous said...

The main source I like to use is the internet. I chose to use that over most other sources is partly because I'm lazy, and you can just sit down and type in a main word. Of course you need to be careful when using the internet, and always check the credibility of the source. Another source you can use is your local library. You can go to the libraries computer type in a main word, and then you will get a list of the books and magizine articles you can check out that are on that subject.

Anonymous said...

One of the best places to look for sources is an educational data base system like EBSCO and other like it. Though usually yields the best results you have to look out for credibility of the information that is given on the site itself. Who wrote it, how old is it, what kind of site is it (.com, .org, .gov), and who is paying for the site or sponsoring it. One such example of a credible source would be a doctor with years and years of practice who has earned countless awards found on a major medical research site. a bad example would be to go to the first site on a search engine where any Joe Schmoe could have written the information (.com). To reitterate myself, you must look for some credibility to verify that it is not just somebodys opinion but something that actually has meaning.

Brandon H.

Anonymous said...

The internet is a great and easy way to find credible sources to use for the upcoming assignment. Although the web is full of good information, there are websites that you might have to take a second look at. Wikipedia is a great example of a not so credible source. Anybody can log onto the site and post anything they feel like saying. There are sites that do have good information that could be used. If the article is on a well know website, has a credible author, or mentions publishing and copyright information, there’s a good chance that the information is credible. If a website ends in .gov or .edu, it’s another indicator that good information is located on the site.
Caitlin Weaver

Anonymous said...

Some of the most credible sources are those one finds in a local library written by experts on the topic. Things like enclyclopedias are usually extremely credible, as are research journals. The more up to date these are, the more credible they are likely to be. The internet is also a very useful resourse, but only when used correctly. The more credible websites will end in things like .edu, .gov, or .org; when using sites ending in .com certain precautions must be taken. A credible website will offer to it's users information about the author(s), the date of the site's last update, information about the sites sources, etc. Things like Geocities sites or Wikipedia are almost never to be trusted due to the fact that anyone at all can create or edit these sites.

-Mollie Baldus

cpsari said...

If the paper involves research ability, I would brain storm what I want to research about and what information I'd need. For example, I'm going to do a research paper about someone who has cancer, I'd first find out information from the Internet. The Internet provides a lot of information I'd need to do my paper, but to find some credible information, I'd search more than just using the Internet. I could talk to someone who knows a lot of information about cancer, such as doctors, Biology professors, and maybe someone who experiences cancer or find a cancer camp nearby.

Another thing I could use is the encyclopedia. It's just like the Internet, but written in big books. Also, is a great site to find the information I'll need to do my research paper.

Jenny Albaugh said...

The first place I will look for a credible source is the internet. I will also use books, magasines, also The Internat data base. the one I am looking forward to is personal references.(such as my own or someone credible who is certified in the field.For example, if i decide to write my argument paper on "Inside the home"
I would interview my sister-in-law, because she is an R.N. at Woodward State Hospital.

Jenny Albaugh said...

The first place I will look for a credible source is the internet. I will also use books, magasines, also The Internat data base. the one I am looking forward to is personal references.(such as my own or someone credible who is certified in the field.For example, if i decide to write my argument paper on "Inside the home"
I would interview my sister-in-law, because she is an R.N. at Woodward State Hospital.

Anonymous said...

Researching a paper can be done by going to the library, calling experts to do an interview, newspapers, magazines and the internet are great places to find sources. A good way to avoid plagiarism is to just put things in your own words. If you are going to use their work, you must cite that you are using them. A good way to check a source’s credibility is to consider the source and the knowledge they use in their data. Maybe find another source that back’s up this information. Also, look up some of their work cited information to see if they are using the work in the correct way. As we talked about in class, check out the bottom of the website. This information is very valuable with how much the internet is used these days. Amy Hampton

jwboden said...

The internet has become the most used source of information. Ever since high school we have been using the internet for finding data. Of course one should be careful in were the information comes from. A site that is creditable will have other information about them, a contact address, and be very up to date. Anther place would of course be the library. Look at the author see if there is an article in the book that gives some history.

Anonymous said...

When using the internet, use sources from an education, government or organization website. Using a source from a .com site, may not have any credibility, because anybody can put what they want on the internet. I personally think books are good sources. However, even books are often just another person's opinion. So you must look for a credible author. Perhaps there are more credible publishers than others?

Nichole said...

The first think I would do after I found out what i am going to argue about. Then I will find a source on the internet. The internet will probably be my main source, but if I do I have to make sure that the information that I get is correct. Other sources I could use are books. Then if I can use any people in my paper I will use them to.

JessciaRedmond said...

The number 1 thing that we use for research these days is the Internet. But, you can't believe everything that is on the internet. Also it is very easy to do plagriarim. If your topic is something with Medical then you should choose a web site that is directed by actual doctors not by everyday people that are giving advise from their own experiences.

Anonymous said...

The internet is the most used source i beieleve. There is alot of made up stuff on there though. The libary is propably the most credible source for information. someone that writes a book is alot more credible compared to someon that writes a web page.
brad carlson

Anonymous said...

When looking up sources, you can use the internet. Places such as .org is a place that you can be sure is going to be legit. Also you can use magazines and books about the topic you want to look up. Encyclopedias are a very good source. LeeAnn