Monday, November 5, 2007

Week Eleven Thought Question

Most people seem to go to the Internet for their sources. Be careful when using Internet sources. You have to be very certain to evaluate them for their credibility.

In this space, please discuss why you think plagiarism is such a problem these days? Why wasn't it as prevalent a few years ago? How can you avoid plagiarism? Why it is so important to avoid plagiarism? Please discuss why you would personally never try to use other people's ideas as your own.

Thanks! I'm looking forward to reading your replies! I'm also anxious to begin working on these final argument papers!


alolkus said...

Plagiarism has become a bigger problem among many students because they have been raised on the internet. A couple decades ago, when the internet didn’t exist, information was not as accessible as it is today. A person would have to go to a library, read a news paper, etc. It would seem that for a homework assignment, many people had to use the same sources, making plagiarism more obvious. Today, students are very internet savvy and assume their professors and instructors do not know the many sites for homework “shamers.”
Plagerism can be easily avoided by simply using your own words; if that seems to be next to impossible, just site the work. It is best to give credit where credit is deserved.

drvannorsdel said...

I feel plagiarism is more of a problem today because of the internet. You can find just about anything, and so many different viewpoints on a subject. I feel it was not as common a few years ago, because they did not have easy access to read other people’s viewpoints or essays online like we do. So, they had to come up with their own theories and ideas. You can avoid plagiarism by using your own mind. Using your own thoughts and ideas will make it easier. Also if you don’t read others viewpoints you can’t make it your viewpoint and find yourself “stealing” their ideas. It is important to avoid because it is stealing, and you are depriving yourself of using your own mind and coming up with your own great ideas.

Anonymous said...

I think that plagiarism is prevalent today because people are busier than ever (maybe this isn't true, but it seems accurate). Also, people are not required to write formal pieces as often, thanks to inventions like the fax machine and the internet. With the combination of stress and inexperience, it is very tempting to simply copy someone else's work, saving yourself time and effort.
Although plagiarism does seem like the easy option, I know that it is wrong. My advice for avoiding plagiarism would be to carefully record your sources and refer back to them constantly. If an idea suddenly pops into your mind, analyze your sources to make sure that you are not just remembering something you read a few days ago.
When it comes to my personal convictions about plagiarism, I know that it is stealing; I also know that stealing is wrong. Plagiarism is also lying, for when you plagiarize, you claim that what you wrote is your original thought. By plagiarizing, you violate the trust of your readers while robbing the original writers of the credit they are due.
In a nut-shell, plagiarism is bad. Don't do it. Check your sources and truly make your essay your own.
-Adrian E.

Anonymous said...

I think the internet is no doubt, a factor as to why plagiarism has become abused in recent years. In the past the internet wasn't available to people. Now people can get online and pay people to do their papers. This generation seems a lot lazier than past generations, to be completely honest. So I think the work ethic of individuals makes plagiarism an easy way out for them. However, it is stealing another's work and ethically wrong. It is too bad people think they can get away with it, because there is no positive to plagiarizing. You either cheat yourself and get away with it, or get caught and have your reputation tainted. A way to avoid plagiarism is simply do your work. Write what you think, not what others think.

Nichole said...

Plagiarism is a problem these days because it becomes an even bigger problem. You can avoid plagiarism by reading something and making into your own words, or if you can't think of how to change it you could just quote it. It is important to avoid plagiarism because you can get in to huge trouble if you get caught. Plagiarism will be on your transcript if you want to ever transfer if you want to go to a different college. When a college sees that you have done that it doesn't look good at all.

cpsari said...

Plagiarism is prevalent these days. Most of our sources are easily found by using the internet. And it is true that people can easily copy the sources they get. Plagiarism is a typical crime in the writing world. So many people experience plagiarism, from ordinary people to the extraordinary, such as authors, singers, and song writers.
People tend to take other people's ideas and use them as their own work.

It's important to avoid plagiarism because everybody has their own opinion. People can be opinionated and be creative, instead of copying other people's.
Try use the database, newspaper, magazines, video, news for some information needed. Internet is a great tool to do research, but do avoid plagiarism.

I, personally would use internet to find some information for my paper, but it won't be the only source I'll use. I also won't use other people's ideas because my ideas are also as good and as interesting compare to theirs. I can also learn
to express my own ideas into paper.

cpsari said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Johna said...

Plagiarism is such a problem these days because of the use of computers has became the main source of information instead of books. Since this use there is the copy and paste concept instead of having to write things down. The reason it wasn’t as prevalent a few years ago is because there wasn’t as many different sites that actually had useful and accountable information. The way that you can avoid plagiarism is by looking at the information and put it all in your own words and if you have to use the exact words be sure to quote it properly. If we don’t avoid plagiarism in our papers or other things then we are cheating and we are not giving credit to the correct author. The main reason that I would never try to use other’s ideas without giving credit, where credit is due, is because it is wrong and if I had any important ideas and someone wanted to use, I would want them to give me credit for it instead of them using it as their own ideas.

Unknown said...

Is plagiarism greater problem in these present days, or are we just more aware of the problem? It is much easier to check for plagiarizers than ever before because there are huge databases of that teachers can quickly look through to see if students have copied another's work. I'm sure most of the plagiarizers just copy something from the internet then paste it into their paper and they think it's fine. If you don't give credit to the author then you are plagiarizing and it is a very serious offense. The penalties for this offense include the student failing the assignment, the course, or even the possibility of being expelled with that being on your transcript forever. I personally don't see what people get out of plagiarizing, the easiest way to avoid it would be to use your own words and phrases and cite credit where credit is due. If you do these little things then you can avoid some really bad consequences.

JessciaRedmond said...

Plagiarism is a lot more worse now than a few years ago because of the internet. You could still plagiarise with books and magazines but it is much easier with the internet. There are many sites that you can get other's work for little money. But, don't do it. I personally would not want to be expelled or kicked out of school and have it on my permanement record for school. I would be ashamed to have this guilt on myself or anyone that I knew. So please just use your own words or atleast quote the other person to give them the credit. Be smart.

Anonymous said...

I think plagiarism is such a problem today, because people do not cite the sources that they use. I would say most plagiarism isn't completely intentional. Sometimes people just do not put information in their own words, which is plagiarism. I think there has been a growing ammount of plagiarism because of so much information, from many sources on the internet. The internet however also has anti-plagiarism paper checking sites, and fact sites though. You can avoid plagiarism by either citing the source you use, or putting the information into your own words. It is important to avoid plagiarism, because if you are just completely copying information you really aren't evaluating it, or thinking about it. That is not learning, thats copying. I don't like plagiarism because I like using my own voice on topics, not someone elses.

Charlie Krabbe

Anonymous said...

I don't think it is a bigger problem these days then it was in the past. I believe its been about the same it's just easier to be caught today because of the new technology. Yes the internet makes it so you can copy past and all that, but teachers today have the tools to be able to find it easier. In the past it was just as easy to take a book and copy word for word out of it which would make it harder almost even impossible for a teacher to find it. It is wrong you shouldn't do it. You should feel bad if you do it knowing that the information you are giving is not your own.

Joel Kramer

Anonymous said...

I think that plagiaism is such a problem because there are a lot more internet sites than there were years ago. They think that it would be really hard for teachers to catch where they got the information. But teachers most often to catch it. You can avoid it by just not doing it, by doing your own work. If there's something that you want to use from a certain source, put it in quotes and site the sources. You wouldn't want to plagiarize for many reasons. One being that you could get an F on a paper, or even expelled. Personally, I'd never do it because I can do my own work. I don't have to copy someone else's work to make a good paper. Copying is just the easy way out, but if you want to make a good paper, just take the time to do it yourself.

Anonymous said...

I think the standards are higher today than they were years ago as to if you are committing plagiarism or not. When I went to school years ago, we were told just to put the information in our own words. Now people are more aware of the problem. You have to give credit to the information if your wording is anywhere close to the same as your source. It is just best to cite your information than getting in trouble. You also need to be concerned about where you get this information. There are too many websites out there that just spew opinion and is not based on facts. Check the sources to confirm that they are more than just opinions and have facts. We always had to go to the library to get information. Amy Hampton

elmoon said...

I believe that plagiarism is a huge problem these days. People of all ages just trust every site that they click on to be a original site when really a lot of them are just words from someone else. Too many people these days rely on computers to do the work for them besides going to the library and looking up information and I am one of those people to. I believe that years ago plagiarism wasnt as big of a deal as it is today because computers werent so available to everyone. The main reason it is important to avoid plagiarism is because if you are writing a paper you could end up just getting an F on it and fail a class and no one wants that to happen. I would never use someone elses ideas as my own cause for one thing who said they are correct themselves and another its just not right taking other peoples ideas and using them as your own without citing them.

Anonymous said...

Plagiarism has become a huge problem in recent years. I stronly believe that the internet is a huge contributor to this problem. There are so many websites that easily allow students to copy information (sites that have book reports already written, etc.). On the other hand, there are also many websites that detect plagiarism as well. For example, many teachers make their students submit all of their work to, which can easily detect any plagiarized work. Without the internet, I believe that it would be a lot harder for not only the students to copy work that isn't their own, but also for teachers to detect it.

Anonymous said...

The last comment was mine. Sorry!
Caitlin Weaver

Anonymous said...

The plagiarism has made many people better writers. Plagiarism is wrong because you are taking credit for someone work, witch they worked hard to create it. Plagiarism van get people in big trouble. The law says you can be kicked out of school or fail a class. Plagiarism should be enforced from here on out.

Cy Wynn

Anonymous said...

Plagiarism is a problem with todays writers. today many students are trying to take the easy way out instead of doing the work. Today with the internet so avaible it has created a sourtcut for students. It has become such a problem becuase there are so many writers that are trying to get famous by useing other peoples work. The best way to prevent plagiarism is just to make sure you cite eveything you use correctly. Also just make sure you use your own words. I feel that you should never use other author's work because you may think that nobody has herd it before but they have. Students think that the teachers do not check the sources but in fact they do.
-Greg Call-

Anonymous said...

I personally don’t use plagiarized material because of the simple fact that is illegal, and I will get into severe trouble in school if I do it.
But what I don’t quite understand is the majority of your thoughts if written down wouldn’t be considered plagiarism. You got most of your thoughts from books, news, internet, and other various sources of information and it is imprinted into your head. You may adjust the ideas to suite you better but that is more or less just paraphrasing what you learned from those sources but aren’t giving them credit for what you learned.
But when quoting various people in your texts I do believe you should give them credit out of respect for that individual.

Tadd Kingsbury

sammy dubert said...

Plagarism is such a problem today because it's so easy to get material. You just have to type what you want into the computer and print it out. Sometimes it's hard to know if you are plagarising something though because nobody's thoughts are really original, somebody has already thought it before you.

Jenny Albaugh said...

I agree with Ashlee, in the fact that plagirarism has become a bigger problem since the internet.
Not It is more tempting for a person to plagiarise with a ton of sites available.But what a lot of people don't understaand, is that it only makes it that much easier to get caught. I is important to avoid plagiarism and use your own ideas, because you can end up suspended or expelled from school, fired from your job end up in jail, or at the very least have your pantds sued right off.

Anonymous said...

Plagiarism is becoming a major problem due to the fact of pure laziness. I feel that mainly students today are in a rush to get their assignments done so they take a short cut and copy and paste, the most famous gesture today. It was not such a problem in the past years because of the fact we did not have as many sources as we do today such as the internet. The internet has grown to be a major source for research and basic use today. Students take this for granted and they do not feel they are doing any harm though plagiarism is a serious crime and can cause many problems. Maybe not legally but if a person would be caught in schools such as college, failing would be one of the many consequences.

Brittany Hagge

mldela said...

I believe the main reason why plagirism has become such a problem now days is because now we are exposed to all of these resources such as the number one "the internet." A few years ago we didnt have the technology that we have today, now we could find a whole written paper on the internet! Its pretty incredible! I believe its very important to avoid plagarism because first you are doing your own work and learning at the same time and second of all you wont get in trouble with the school and the law.I would never plagiarize because i believe its very important to do your own work and learn from your own mistakes, also i wouldnt want to get in trouble with the law and go to court.

Anonymous said...

I think that plagiarism is a bigger deal now then it used to be, because we didn't have the sources to check it, and the internet is being used more now then it ever was before. I admit in highschool I plagiarized for most of my reports, but that's before i realized it was such a big deal, and I didn't know people could get in trouble for it. I wouldn't plagiarize now because I've realized that I don't usually sound like the person I'm trying to copy. I have also realized that it could cost me everything. I'm going to school to be a teacher, and I just don't feel it's worth all the trouble I would get into for it. It's definately not worth my teaching degree.

Anonymous said...

Plagiarism is a larger problem with writers today because of the internet. There are so many websites that students and society get information off of and also, the websites that offer students written papers. Most would rather not take the time to research their topic using newspapers, books, etc. and write out in their own words. It may be easy to find it on the internet and less time consuming but it will only get you in trouble.


Anonymous said...

I think that plagiarism is more of a problem these days because people use the internet more and think that by using the internet it will be harder to others to know that they are using someone else's words. To avoid plagiarism, cite your work!! I don't really see how hard that can be. When reading information that you want to use in a paper read it then set it aside so that you are not tempted to copy their words. I would never use someone else's ideas because it is wrong and you can get into some big BIG trouble!! :)
Andrea Bollenbaugh

Anonymous said...

I think plagiarism is a problem because of how lazy kids can be and how readily available the information is. This was probably not as prevalent years before because either it was harder to prove that they were copying from the book because you would have to read every word to find what if anything was copied. This doesn't even count having to go get the book. It is important to avoid plagiarism because it is stealing somebody else's ideas if you don't give them credit. If i spent countless hours and days to write a well articulated article and somebody stole it without mentioning my name anywhere then i would be upset myself, i imagine. I think that it is also about the same amount of plagiarism now as before. But, technology today now allows our teachers to more easily and readily find plagiarism than ever before.

Brandon Harrison

Anonymous said...

Plagiarism has become more of a problem the past few years becuase students are lazier then they were like 5 years ago. One might think, "Why should I have to write a paper on a certain topic when someone else has already wrote with the same feelings and opinion as myself?" It's also easier to access the work of others through the ever so popular internet. I myself don't understand why people do it. I find it so stupid, for one it's put on your personal record and you can be fined or even worse kicked out of school. And honestly what person is going to have the exact same opinion and feelings as yourself. I know for myself I tend to have slightly different opinions on things even with my closest friend, yeah we might agree on the overall subject but there is always something small that we don't agree on. Overall I think it's stupid and that people need to stop being so lazy and just do the work for themselves, who knows myabe you'll discover something completely new and become that person that others look up to; you never know until you try. Plagiarism is bad and should be stopped.

Anonymous said...

Plagiarism has become more of a problem the past few years becuase students are lazier then they were like 5 years ago. One might think, "Why should I have to write a paper on a certain topic when someone else has already wrote with the same feelings and opinion as myself?" It's also easier to access the work of others through the ever so popular internet. I myself don't understand why people do it. I find it so stupid, for one it's put on your personal record and you can be fined or even worse kicked out of school. And honestly what person is going to have the exact same opinion and feelings as yourself. I know for myself I tend to have slightly different opinions on things even with my closest friend, yeah we might agree on the overall subject but there is always something small that we don't agree on. Overall I think it's stupid and that people need to stop being so lazy and just do the work for themselves, who knows myabe you'll discover something completely new and become that person that others look up to; you never know until you try. Plagiarism is bad and should be stopped.
(sorry i forgot my name on the last one)

Anonymous said...

Plagirism is a huge problem now a days. When it comes to students or anyone for that fact, with all the sources out there is it hard to tell witch ones are real. When people go to write the stuff down it is hard figure out how to take the opinon and put it in your own words. I believe that people were much more educated and had more experience in the plagirism deparment back in the day

Anonymous said...

Plagirism is a huge problem now a days. When it comes to students or anyone for that fact, with all the sources out there is it hard to tell witch ones are real. When people go to write the stuff down it is hard figure out how to take the opinon and put it in your own words. I believe that people were much more educated and had more experience in the plagirism deparment back in the day

Brad Carlson

Anonymous said...

I also agree with what most people have said so far, plagiarism has become a bigger problem because of the internet. It's so easy to get online and find something someone else said and use it as your own and that's the problem. Basically the best way to avoid plagiarism is to avoid reading other peoples opinion and just go off of what you know and how you feel. If you can't do that and have to use someone elses work then make sure you site the source correctly

Tyler Wendell

Anonymous said...

I think that plagiarism is a growing problem due to the pressures of current educational systems. With grade point average directly correlating to future income, students that do not have faith in their academic abilities crack. With massive search engines that are able to find information on any topic, students who would otherwise miss an assignment believe that they still have a shot by just jotting info down. I personally have never had difficulties expressing myself and would never think to use another persons viewpoint because I believe that I have the best vantage.

Mike Ross

chrisbrown said...

Plagiarism has always been a problem and will continue to be. There is not an increase in plagiarism what there is the increased capability of catching plagiarism. This is do to technology which I will not get into. The fact plagiarism is just as prevalent today as it was ten years ago it is just more people are getting caught. The most common form of plagiarism is summarizing, this form of plagiarism was used back when people would go to the library and use typewriters. It is very easy to take a sentence reword it and then type it out and guess what the instructor has a very hard time finding out. The way to avoid plagiarism is to be real. I person that is true to themselves would avoid such activities. It would be like saying how do you avoid lying or stealing. Well, have a positive sense of who you are and don’t hide behind other things or people, that is my best advise. Cheats are going to be cheats and there is nothing you can do to stop them; however there are things that can deter plagiarism one is letting them live with themselves knowing they are THAT kind of person. Consider someone that lies a lot. What kind of relationships do you think they will get into, what kind of jobs do you think they will get. I can imagine that it would be hard to live a good life this way. We all make mistakes, just try to do your best and I’m sure we will all be ok.
Chris Brown

Amy Mortenson said...

I feel that plagiarims is a bigger promblem today. It's becuase kids our age have been raised with the internet and feel that it isn't as easy for people to fine, but really it is. I feel it wasn't as big of problem a few years ago, because kids weren't as lazy as we are today. We like to wait until the last days to do everything. Plagiarism in my eyes is very wrong. I wouldn't ever try it, because of the things that can happen to you. It can easily be avoided by just using your own words, and if you can't figure out how to say it in your own words you can just site the information so you don't get introuble.

Shannon said...

You can go on any search engine these days and type what you want and come up with a hit. Let’s say you want to see an essay on babies growing up. All you have to do is type it and you can get an essay for free that someone else has written. Or you can go to one of the many sites that make you pay for the essay and it is already complete. Many students do a lot of copy/paste off of the free websites. I had a friend that did this and she asked me to proof her paper. While reading it I noticed that the paper didn't really make sense, it jumped around a lot. So I asked her if it was her work and explained to her that she could get caught for plagiarizing and possibly kicked out of school. Since then I have been extremely careful in what I use of other people's work.

zstwedt said...

I think that plagiarism has become a bigger problem in todays society because of the internet. The internet makes all kinds of different ideas and information right to you. I believe that plagiarism is done to help save a student time but it is also very wrong. I would never commit plagiarism because the risks involved in getting caught are to risky and overall not worth it. It is also just as easy to come up with your own thoughts and makes the whole thing feel like it was worth your time.