Monday, December 3, 2007

Week Fourteen Post

Great, great posts last week regarding the health care system! I hope you learned a little bit more about argument as a result of watching that film!

In this post, please discuss your argument topic. What is your thesis? Who is your audience? How are you using ethos, pathos, and logos?

Why is "arguing" an important skill to learn?



Jenny Albaugh said...

My argument topic is about Juvenile Detention Centers. I was under the assumption going into my research, that Juveniles were not provided very well or cared for when they are in "Juvie". My audience is pretty much everyone. Who would it benefit the most? Parents! After reading my paper, they will see that, these detention centers have programs and structure that there kid needs to become a productive member of society. Weather or not they choose to use the opportunity is up to them, but at least the parents know they are in a safer enviorment then out on the streets. My use of ethos, pathos, and logos is addressed in the ways I discuss statistics, and the treatmants they go through, and describing the facility itsself. Arguing is a very important skill to learn, because if you can prove you are not wrong, then you are right.

JessciaRedmond said...

My topic for my final paper is How Stay-at-Home moms are more beneficial for children than working moms. My audience is moms that are working or not working who may want to know more information on what all goes into being a stay-at-home mom. The pros and cons of both sides and how to decide which one is the best for everyone. I will be using lots of pathos especially since I'm a stay-at-home. My logos will come from very strong sources, same with my ethos. In this paper I will provide lots of information on both sides but my main point is that stay-at-home moms will get more out staying home along with the children's benefits of having that parent stay home.
Arguing is a very important skill to learn in our society. If we don't argue then we all would be the same and have the same opinion on all issues. That is boring! Arguing gives a right to say what we feel and don't have to worry about how others take it. Sometimes arguing can be fun. I personally love to debate on some issues that get your feelings all wrapped up. It lets you be who you are. We must be different at times to make the world go round.

Anonymous said...

My argument topic is global warming. I consider it to be a serious problem that is happening in the world, and people don't seem to think its a big deal. No we aren't seeing adverse, serious side effects right now, but the evidence is supported by almost all scientific communties around the world. In my paper I will be outlining the basic evidence that so widely supports the earths temperature heating up signifigantly in the past 100 years. I will be using logos mostly, trying to appeal with scientific evidence to peoples logic. I also may use some ethos. People may not be feeling or seeing the effects of global warming, but our kids and grand kids will. I think that constructive argument is a very important skill to learn. You need to be able to dispute things that you hear, see, and feel strongly about. Everyone has an opinion, that doesn't necessarily mean it is right. It can be disputed by good argument though, without getting hostile.

Charlie Krabbe

drvannorsdel said...

My argument topic is on the Medicaid insurance. I will be talking about the misuse of Medicaid in the Emergency Room. My audience will be to people who have Medicaid insurance and teaching them not to misuse the insurance in the Emergency Room. I am using my ethos of working in an ER and doing registration. I will also be using logos with statistics and outside information. I will try to use pathos when talking about the misuse and loss of money through the misuse.

drvannorsdel said...

My argument topic is on the Medicaid insurance. I will be talking about the misuse of Medicaid in the Emergency Room. My audience will be to people who have Medicaid insurance and teaching them not to misuse the insurance in the Emergency Room. I am using my ethos of working in an ER and doing registration. I will also be using logos with statistics and outside information. I will try to use pathos when talking about the misuse and loss of money through the misuse.

Anonymous said...

In my argument I am expressing how celebrities should be held accountable for the media invading their life and privacy. I feel that they decided to be in the spot light so they deserve the media's reaction to recieve all the information they can get. I feel my audience is basically teens because they idolize the celebrities and they are the ones who strive to know anything and everything about their favorite star.
Arguments are what life is all about because to get what you want you have to put up a good fight and know what you want and how to go for it. In an argumentive paper you are expressing your opinion on a topic and are displaying what you feel is right about that certain topic.

Brittany Hagge

Anonymous said...

I am arguing how crime in high school sports can ruin people's lives, if authorities don't take responsibility. My ethos are the following sources: Thomas H. Miller (Deputy Attorney General), Cindy McIntosh (Story County Attorney, Chuck Cychosz (Chief of Police in Ames, IA), IHSAA and myself. I use logos, while displaying how irresponsible a school district was when crime happened in a sporting event. I use pathos by showing how I was victimized by crime in a high school basketball game. My thesis is,"When injustice is allowed to reign, sports are a weapon on the battlefield of crime."

Anonymous said...

I decided to chose a topic that fits my beliefs. My arguement topic is universal helmet laws controversies. I feel that helmet laws are abloishing americans right to freedome of choice and the pursuit if happyness. I feel state Legislatures are preventing Americans the choice to wear a motorcycle helmet while riding there motorcycle. My audience is mostly motorcyclists who feel the same way as i do. My audience also is towards motorcycleists who had to deal with the pain of getting stoped by the police for not wearing a helmet. I feel inorder to create a succesful argument you need to uses ethos, pathos, and logos. I used a lot of emotion and i used a lot of experiences from other riders as a form of creditability. In a nutshell i feel arguing is importent becuase it is way to get what you want.
-Greg Call-

Anonymous said...

Argument is legit, because it is a way in communicating your beliefs. A responsible argument can respect others while stating your own opinion. I think argument is a useful tool in sticking up for yourself as well.

Anonymous said...

I am doing my paper on the war in Iraq. It is a very broad topic which will make it easier for me to write eight pages on it. There is tons of information on the war. Their are stories that can be told. My audience can be anyone. I am hoping after they read my paper they wil have a better understanding of the war. Because i am mostly for the war. I might be able to change some peoples minds on the war which only might consist of a fwe people but thats good enough for me.

Joel Kramer

Anonymous said...

In my argument paper I will be discussing the issues of Digital Rights Management and how it affects consumers.

My audience is anyone who has thought or is thinking about buying music, videos or other forms of media that have DRM on them.

In regards to pathos, I will use the story of a person who has been persecuted by the Record Labels for sharing some files with their friends. For my ethos I will use a letter from the C.E.O. of Apple inc. as a source. Lastly, for my logos I will be showing just how much of an impact DRM can have on consumers and the future of DRM.

Josh Crim

Johna said...

My argument topic for this paper the use of the death penalty in what cases and what nature it should be used. My audience is anyone who feels strongly about the death penalty and feels that the justice system should use it. I am using ethos by pointing out my own specific reasons for why I feel it should be used. I am using pathos by talking about personal things that have happened in my life that I feel the final punishment should be the death penalty not just a sentence of some odd about of years in prison. The logos that I will be using are the facts of the cases where the death penalty has been used and why it has been used. Arguing is a good skill to have because it is one way to be able to get your own personal opinion across to people and to prove that opinion to the persons who oppose to that belief.

Anonymous said...

The topic I chose to write about is white collar crime. I picked this topic due to the vastly "publizsized" media that doesnt even come close to covering some of the largest scale crime scandels in the corporate world. Since all media is paid for and regulated by the government, I felt compelled to look deeper into their inner-workings. Ethos will be displayed in my paper by the dollars stolen to amount of "prison" time for a corporate employee as compared to an average Joe. Pathos and logos will be easily extracted from my write-up with examples of benifits in favor of the government to cover up its own wrong-doings.Arguing Is a weapon that must used in order to achive equality in any given situation and also is a necessary tool to progress to higher plateaus within the buisness world.

Mike Ross

Amy Mortenson said...

My argument topic is about smoking in pubic places, and the harms that it does to others. My audience is those who do smoke and those who don't smoke. I am showing both sides in my argument paper, why people smoke and why peopole are against it as well. I think that learning how to argue is a good thing, because you need to be able to show your side of something when you are asked to do so. My use of ethos, pathos and logos is used bye the way I will discuss throughout my paper. Logos will be for the outside sites that i have used. I will use ethos for telling how I feel about smoking.

Anonymous said...

My final argument paper is about how the “stresses” we endure on a daily basis are becoming too much to handle. My thesis is, what sort of “mental problems” could each of the stresses listed in my essay cause? My only ethos would be the fact that I have to deal with some of these same issues in my life. Logos would have to be some of the basic things we should be able to receive without such a fight. Any pathos contained in my paper would be if you decided to feel for the people in the situations I describe.
Arguing is a good skill to learn if ever you wish to be able to get your point across to anyone or persuade them to your side.

Tadd Kingsbury

sammy dubert said...

My topic is about organ transplantation and how it should be legal to buy and sell your organs, especially kidneys. My audience is everyone, because we all have organs or are in need of a new one. The majority of my paper is about why it is so important to make it legal to buy and sell kidneys, becuase so many people are dying without them. I explain that if you are allowed to sell your sperm, eggs, and plasma, so why not your kidneys?

Anonymous said...

My argument topic is based on Frivolous Lawsuits. Frivolous lawsuits are basically a way for people to get money from other people and businesses for an injury or other petty reason. My audience is basically anyone. I argue that it takes away from our businesses and our community. That poeple just do it to earn a few dollars, and most of the time it's not the property owner's fault. People just do this to be greety, and it should be stopped. In this paper I will argue why it's wrong, how it effects our communities, and reasons why do this.

Anonymous said...

The topic that I have chosen to argue is about academics and athletics. I believe that academics should come before athletics and that if one is struggling in academics that they should take time off from athletics to focus on their studies. I'm trying to catch the reader's attention by bringing them in with the life of a typical sport's jockey. My major audience is athletes and the parents of those athletes. I can include some pathos by doing this and also for the fact that my sister is one that has realized the importance of her studies and has taken time off from athletics inorder to improve her academic status. I will do my best to get my point across and convince my audience that academics are important and that they are the thing that will truely take you somewhere someday.

Anonymous said...

I will be arguing about how autism is caused from vaccines. My audience is any parent, anyone planning on having kids, doctors, nurses, anyone really. My paper will inform many people that have no idea of the strong link between autism and vaccines. In my paper I will argue that parents should definitley have the right to choose whether or not their children should get vaccinated, the doctors and nurses should be required to inform the parents of the possible outcome of getting the vaccines. I know first hand what it's like to have a family member with autism, my nephew is three and was diagnosed over a year ago.


Anonymous said...

My argument paper is going to be over the new laws about hand guns. There is a new law coming into effect very soon. The law is going to make it illegal to have a hand gun without a permit. This does take guns off the streets but at the same time makes people have less self deffense. This law is very stupid and i beileve that you should be able to keep a hand gun in your house at all times.

Brad Carlson

Anonymous said...

The topic I chose for my arguement paper is Euthanasia or Assisted Suicide. My audience is basically anyone because almost everyone can relate to having a friend, family member, or themselves where Euthanasia could be used effectively to end the pain and suffering the person is going through. I use ethos, pathos, and logos throughout my arguement to get my point across that everyone should have a choice of what they want to do. In my arguement I also discuss the pros and cons of both sides including the religous side or opinion of the matter.

Tyler Wendell

Shannon said...

My argument topic is the legal drinking age and whether it should be lower or kept where it is. I see some big issues with this. I will be arguing for keeping the drinking age where it is. Although there are parts I disagree with I think I will stand behind the age of 21. The part I don’t agree with is the fact that you can serve your country and die for your country but you can’t buy a beer to enjoy… that seems wrong to me. Backing me up I will be using several issues such as youth and there misusages with alcohol, binge drinking, alcohol education, & alcohol related problems (crashes, OWI, alcohol dependencies). My audience will be anyone from middle school and on up. I believe that arguing is an important skill because if we didn’t argue we would all be agreeing and that would make the world very boring. So I guess you would say arguing is a part of life.

Anonymous said...

My essay is about abortion and how it shouldn't be used as a form of birth control. I used some facts from some magazines for my ethos. I also used a personal story for pathos. I believe that you need to learn how to make a good arguement so later in life you'll be better at your job and everything else that you do. It will help you especially if you want to be a lawyer or a politition.

Anonymous said...

My argument paper is about the use of Tasers in law enforcement. My thesis is we should allow the police to carry and use these weapons as needed. Part of their job is to contain the situation as quickly as possible and try to keep all parties and the public safe. I used information and quotes from police, doctors and educators that have done research on Tasers. My audience is everyone. There has been great controversy over Tazers and so called Tazer deaths. It is easy to just watch a video on tv and be outraged by the parts you see. But you also have to consider what happens before the taping starts. People should also realize there are a lot of contributing factors involved in these deaths. Amy Hampton

mldela said...

My argument topic is about Immigration problems. However is due to the big demand of a lot of people coming up to this nation every day, people that they don't have legal documents and came up just for work in the hard way, with the knwoledge that their salary is going to be less then the regular pay. people are not agree with it, because they are not paying taxes. but what taxes they are talking about, when this poor people are working in the hard way for the less than the minimun salary. This is not right. Gobernment must to give some opportunities to this people in getting their papers done a soon as posible, in order for them to work legally in this nation.

Anonymous said...

My arguement subject is that college athletes should be given some form of extra money to help out with things they need to pay for that are not covered by their scholarship. The student athletes don't have time to get jobs so where do people expect the athletes to come up with this money, even if it is just $100 a month? The audience for this essay is mostly anyone that could have an effect on getting the rules or regulations of a scholarship changed or anyone that is interested in the subject that could help bring it to others attention. I use pathos by using examples of things that are not covered by a scholarship that the athlete must still pay for and without a chance to even get a job, how are they supposed to pay for these things?

Anonymous said...

Blake Vorrath (above)

Anonymous said...

My final paper is on sexual offenders. This topic really did well with me because i know people who have been rapped. I also have sisters, nieces and nephews, so getting my feelings out went well. Everyone should get a second chance but sex offenders are people who need help in specific ares. Some people are lied on and dont have a fare chance to prove their case but life is not fare. Cy Wynn

zstwedt said...

My argument paper is on student-athletes and their affect on college academics. I think that college athletics have a place in the college experience and lifestyle for the athletes themselves and the everyday students. Lately, there has been argument that student-athletes are a drain on the academic achievment and make colleges and universities less successful. I am trying to argue that they have their place and help these institutions in many ways. I think it is very good to know how to argue. It can help me in many aspects of life involving anything from jobs to general arguments with people in your daily life.

Dawn T said...

My argument topic is to leave children in biological families when ever possible. This too is my thesis. I believe it is important to leave children in the families that they were born into so that they may know their heritage, their genealogy, the history of their family, that sense of who they are where they came from. Who were my grandparents? Their grandparents?
My audience is that of people in similar situations as myself and also that of people who are foster or temporary caregivers. I am using ethos because I am a parent, a grandparent living this nightmare of trying to retrieve one of my own that has been taken. I use pathos by explaining how this horrible nightmare has taken over my life even consumed me at times. It is important to learn to argue effectively so you can make others understand the point that you are trying to get across.

Anonymous said...

My argument discusses the differences between Allah (Islam) and God (Christianity). My thesis is that, while some people claim that Muslims and Christians all worship the same Deity, there are differences between God and Allah which prove that they are not and cannot be the same. The paper is addressed to an audience with a basic Judeo-Christian background. I have not used dramatic stories to give my paper pathos, but I have tried to well-chosen words to stimulate my readers' emotional responses. I incorporated ethos primarily by quoting the President and the late Pope (Pope John Paul II). I also obtained my information from knowledgable authors and creditable sources. The majority of my argument is centered on logos, for I use facts to demonstrate the differences between God and Allah; I then logically reach the conclusion that God and Allah are irreconcilable and cannot be the same.
That basically explains my paper. I think it is important to know how to argue your points effectively so that you can explain your beliefs and help others to see things from your point of view. Even if you don't "win" your argument by changing people's minds, you can help them understand your opinions.
-Adrian Elliott

alolkus said...

My topic I have chosen to argue for is the mental health needs of veterans. My audience is primarily the general public and a little bit toward the leadership of military organizations. I incorporated pathos and ethos by using my personal experiences while I was deployed. I used logos my using subjects from national news and books on the subject matter. Arguing is an asset that all people should possess. Having this ability allows you to influence others toward understanding and accepting your ideas.

Nichole said...

My argument topic is Abortion. My audience is for everyone. I do not agree with abortion for many reasons. One is because of the physical and mental injuries that happen to women after the abortion. Also how can life be meaningless and then the next minute be so precious?

Anonymous said...

My argument paper is about the misused of technology that correlates with video games. My purpose to write this paper is to show video games players to be more aware about what impacts they can get from playing that invention.
My paper consists of ethos, pathos and logos, in a way that can make the readers interested and conscious about the information about the topic.
I found some controversial articles about video games, which shows a lot of bad effects towards children and people who are addicted to these games.
A lot of these articles are credible, because of the information that come straight from the right people.
It is logical that when people get so involved in doing something, which in this case is playing video games. They get too obsessed and can't think clearly, which sometimes individual seems like a different person.

"Arguing" is an important skill to learn because each of us has some ideas that we want to point out. It is important that we can speak out about our ideas, which can be important and fascinating for other people.

Cynthia Sari

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